Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Review : Hostel (2005)

Three backpackers go to Slovakia for some days of fun and pleasure only to realize that everything is much more sinister than it seems.....

Sinister it sure is. And brutal. Absolute f** brutal. EverytimE I watched it I have felt a dread. A chill in my spine. Goosebumps at how men can stay cool doing things as mean and bloody. And to realize that everything the movie shows was not entirely fictional should send you scurrying away from anywhere near that goddamned place. What rage and unfulfilled ambition can make humans do, no other force on Earth can replicate. And this is the main theory the movie revolves around as many people get tortured to death. Very painfully and brutally. As blood covers the screen and the haunting screams split up your ears. And for this exact same thing that this movie has gained notoriety. And also the fact that Ukraine registered less tourists in 2006. I am amazed it got any. If you have been living under a rock and missed this so sorry. Go watch this asap.

Director Eli Roth isn't as good as in Hostel 2. But that's a non issue considering this was the first movie in the series. The idea of torture chambers though not entirely new has never been explored like this before. People paying money to torture and kill some people to take out their frustrations is scary enough. And to show it like how Eli shows us, stark and bloody as you twitch around uncomfortably, is just pure torture on your senses. And thats why not many claim to like this movie. He actually came across a 'pay for torture' website makes watching and absorbing this incredibly difficult. But I am a big fan of sick horror movies and have seen too much to feel anything but inspired. Inspired to write something which may become Hostel 4. But hard to guess if that will be half as brutal and scary and spine tingling as these two. And this certainly proves why Eli Roth considers himself a 'psychopath'. Nice!!


Acting is led amazingly by Jay Hernandez(Paxton). Somebody who I thought could only do rom coms. But this is a long way away from his favorite role of mine in Crazy Beautiful. But he does this with elan as we feel his shock, pain and bewilderment as men throw away their humanness outside the torture chamber and become wild animals. And also his sense of loss when his friends Derek Richardson(Josh) and Ethyor Gudjonnson(Oli) fall prey to the dubious charms of the city and the hot girls. The two girls played by Barbara(Natalya) and Jana(Svetlana) are no nonsense and cold hearted ready to do anything for drugs. And watch out for Barbara as she loses her veil of hotness and turns into something ugly as you shudder. Amazing act by her and Jay. Plus a childhood backstory of him is fantastically used in a scene where I felt loss of logic. But with all the loss of limbs happening around me, logic seemed a small price to pay........

Amazing cinematography and editing makes this an amazing watch. Plus a decent and haunting soundtrack means you won't travel to new places without hearing that dreadful whistle.

HighTension: Blood and gore enthusiasts with sick tastes line up. Others can watch at their own risk. Polarizing and dark. And absolutely gut smashing this remains my favorite horror movie. Go for it....

HighTension Meter: 9/10.

[while in the torture chambers, Natalya laughs]
Paxton: You fucking whore. You fucking bitch, YOU FUCKING BITCH!
Natalya: I get a lot of money for you, and that makes you MY bitch.

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