Monday, August 12, 2013

Review : Below Utopia (1997)

Below Utopia is much better!!

A man is taking his girlfriend to his family at his ancestral house,for the weekend. Also he missed his brothers funeral. All this happenings are already disturbing the utopian existence of his family when a gang of three thieves break into the house and all hell breaks loose.......

EXPECTATIONS. Yes this not so small word has the uncanny ability to enliven or destroy any experience. And i have been given lesson after lesson in this hard fact of life. But foolishness refuses to recede and i have yet still  to lighten my burden. Meanwhile another movie falls prey to my skyscraper-ic expectations. Body Count Or Below Utopia, the summary read the same and my mind conjured up images from the numerous house break in  movies i have seen. One of my fav sub genres is Home Invasion. And i gladly watch anything showing that without much googling or wiki-ing. But sadly The Conjuring of my mind went well, not the movie though. I feel yawning during movies is disrespecting it, but alas the natural instinct takes over and sometimes i tend to break my rules. So yawn and a nap. And around it was the Hot Alyssa Milano and Mr Aniston Justin starrer Below Utopia. Glad i didnt went to sleep.....

Below My Expectations for sure!!

Director Kurt Voss(Poison Ivy: The New Seduction, Sugar Town) directs this decently. But somehow fails to get the same tension out of the scenes which caused fluttering in my heart in some other movie. You do know many people are gonna be killed, there's gonna be a game of cat and mouse and there will be a twist in the tail. But somehow in the middle it loses steam and "who the killer is" just doesn't have that shock value anymore. Writers Richard Shepherd(The Matador) and David Diamond(Evolution) do try to inject it with twist and turns and some violence, but something in the middle gives way. There isn't a lot of story and when the killers storm the castle in the early moments you realize somewhere its gonna sag, and it sure does. But its not all bad though. It can be enjoyed once on a lazy afternoon. Just make sure you aren't feeling sleepy!!

 Most of the house invasion movies I've seen and enjoyed is cos they had some great acting by both the lead and the bad people. The bad people were terrifying and and so badass that it was interesting to see who wins the game. But sadly in this the professionals looked hardly anywhere near the fuck face they should be. Maybe it isn't a horror and didn't need that much animosity,but it isn't easy for me to be scared for the lead when the men are as easygoing and indulging in stupid bantering. Just shooting everybody in cold blood doesn't make them hardcore,right? Anyway the leads were good. Alyssa Milano(Susanne) is the star of this movie. She just races your blood with early skin show and all her obsessed fans out there can heave a sigh of relief. And she gets to show her acting prowess too. Plus she's the executive producer. So many "Milano" reason to watch this!! Justin Theroux(Daniel) turns in a great performance. More in the news now for being Aniston's guy, he has some great acting talent and he does show it by looking happy even when referred to as Mr Aniston!! Ice T(Jim) and Tommy Lister(Tiny) do a good job but are nowhere as menancing. But all the performances are decent enough to enjoy it once anytime of the day. Night, if you really really like Alyssa. 

Plz turn me into Justin for one movie!!

Cinematography is excellent as is the music. The utopian existence with the house turned into  Louvre is shown beautifully. The production values and the set designing are pretty well done. But editing leaves a lot to be desired. Many continuity problems mar some fine scenes. Even the one where Alyssa is being undressed. So a decent effort to supplement a weak story. But it takes hardwork, even if its a mediocre work. Lets not forget that.....

HighTension Verdict: I maybe am too harsh on this movie. And maybe i am comparing it with the wrong breed of films,but even as a thriller it leaves a lot to be desired. Minimal characterization and storyline just keeps it from being a fun movie. Although Alyssa fans like me can enjoy, i need a story to supplement her lovemaking. And there isn't much with a great ending marred by a dull middle. One time watch i say.....

HighTension Meter: 5/10


Daniel: "You killed my family,now you are gonna pay for it"

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