Monday, August 5, 2013

Review : The Fog (2005)


Some 100 years ago in Antonio Bay,Oregon a group of lepers who came to take refuge were betrayed by the founding fathers of the island and burnt alive. Now they have come back to take revenge in the form of "The Fog"........

Open mind. Thats the best quality of all. When at first I watched it I didnt like it. But when i watched it again with an open mind, i must say its not half bad. It starts off pretty well and loses that intent in the middle but it happens all the time. Worse things have happened in a Remake. Mostly of the great horror movies of the past. But this isnt the worst remake or the worst horror movie of any which year. Sadly the critics gave it a thumbs down and so did most audience. And me as well. But on second viewing i must confess that i was wrong and too harsh. This movie is good and entertaining and scary sometimes. Its like comparing a Hostel with Cannibal Holocaust or a Takashi Miike movie. No it isn't as good. But it isn't as shit as everyone's making it out to be. Open mind. Remember and see. Then maybe you can get the enjoyment which i got. And also a lesson for life.

Rupert Wainwright(Blank Check) directs this movie pretty well. The movie gets off to a rousing start which slowly dwindles in the middle but then picks up as the end gets near. But at no point of time would you find yourself dozing off or yawning. Although the first time i watched it i was guilty of the latter. I cant actually believe i enjoyed this movie. Thats some transformation. With some great creepy scenes of the fog and the underwater sequences this can give a little scare here and there. And most of them in the first 20 minutes. And Rupert has chosen the location well. It looked beautiful and turned equally dreadful as the the Fog took over. And some nice kill scenes too. All in all John Carpenter shouldnt as displeased with the effort. Much worse atrocities litter the remake street. Nice work by Rupert and the Screenwriter Cooper Layne(The Core). Enjoyable for most of the time. Not much scares though.

Miss Frightened Long Legs!!
Sometimes movies fail due to bad acting. And many bad horror movies have had some horrible acting. Overacting or no emotion at all. But not this. Maggie Grace(Elizabeth) is an absolute delight. She just does evrything well enough to sympathise with her emotional  upheavals. And Tom Welling(Nick) who looks suspiciously like James Masden to me is terrific too. People said they didnt care about the leads or any of the characters, so automatically it turned out to be a bad movie experience for them. But not  for me. I maybe didn't care for any body but these two had me going. And also the likeable Selma Blair(Stevie) and the stand up comedian De Ray Davis(Spooner). Others too dig in but this movie revolves around these four people. And if you care about these four i dont think nobody can stop you from liking this movie. I did.

Theres some awesome camerawork from Nathan Hope(Hellraiser:Inferno, Mimic2) who sure knows how to make things look creepy. Coupled with great effects and action this movie can be enjoyed without being looked as an abomination. Yes it does have it flaws. But it isnt the baddest movie ever. Some decent music adds to the overall enjoyment. Good work by the crew...

"Lost " again!!

HighTension Verdict: A universally panned movie on which I joined chorus. But now i beg to differ and say that it isnt as bad when you dont compare it with the original and go in with an open mind. Some nice creepy scenes and action with minimal scary moments make it a decent watch. The gorgeous leads and the location(Bowen Island,BC, Canada) add to the enjoyment. Just get through the slow moments of the middle and you have a fine midnight horror movie. 

HighTension Meter: 6/10.

Best Quote: 
Father Malone: We're the children of murderers. All of us. Wayne, Castle, Williams, Malone...
Kathy Williams: But we haven't done anything.
Spooner: Yeah, keep my father out of this. We from Chicago.


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